このCM 泣けるCMということで話題だったので、「どうせ・・・・」と思って期待せずに観たら泣いてしまった。しかもいつ観ても涙が出てしまう。どうしてだろう。ベタな設定やベタな音楽と分かっているのに・・・・。
Dear Mr. Fukahori,
返信削除I have heard Kanon being used in various films and CMs, but the way it is played in this particular CM fits the scenes perfectly. The father is unskilled, but it is because of this that you feel his emotions and through the build-up of the images, it creates an explosion of emotion.
I don't understand Japanese, but from the music and images alone, I know what this CM is about. I think that is the power of music, it goes beyond spoken words. Exactly what the CM wanted to convey.